Event Planning

Chapter events and activities spark friendships during the collegiate experience. Whether an activity creates fond memories in a Pi Phi facility or builds Sincere Friendship at a community venue, all chapter members, especially leadership, are responsible for the success and safety of the event. To guide chapters in facilitating safe, meaningful events, we’ve developed event planning policies and procedures for members to follow.


Chapters and members should know and understand the Fraternity’s definition of a Pi Beta Phi event.  

A chapter social event is any gathering, official or unofficial, that is or could be perceived to be a Pi Beta Phi event for social purpose. If Pi Beta Phi as a chapter or its officers or individual members, acting on behalf of the chapter, participate in any way, formally or informally, in planning, executing or promoting the event, it will be treated as being co-sponsored by the Pi Beta Phi chapter. Social events with or without alcohol fall within this definition.  

Knowing which events could be considered Pi Phi events can sometimes be difficult. The Critical Conversations Webisode on this topic may help members understand their personal roles and responsibilities when coordinating or participating in official or unofficial gatherings.

Event Planning Expectations

Pi Beta Phi’s event policies apply to events such as mixers, functions, socials, date parties, semi-formals, formals, events sponsored by alumnae attended by collegians, and other Pi Phi-hosted, co-hosted and planned events. 

For chapter officers and Advisors, the Event Planning and Management Guide in the Resource Library includes critical procedures for planning a safe and fun event. 

All event planning policies are available publicly to members, campus partners and family and friends. 

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Pi Phi Events

Pi Phi programs and events promote personal growth, provide opportunities for service and give collegians and alumnae a way to develop and practice their leadership skills. Our events are a way for members to establish meaningful connections with other Pi Phis, spanning distance and generations.

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