Why Pi Phi?

Since 1867, Pi Beta Phi has ensured women have the support of sincere friends, opportunities to lead and the inspiration to achieve their goals. We’re proud of our heritage and honor the legacy of Pi Phis who have come before us. Women coming together to support each other is as relevant today as when our 12 courageous founders formed the first women’s fraternity.

Friendship has been at the core of Pi Phi sisterhood for more than 150 years. Now more than 300,000 members strong, we cultivate relationships through shared experiences and values. We prioritize philanthropic work and maintain a century-long commitment to bettering society through literacy service. Our premier programming and member events promote personal, intellectual and leadership growth and provide Pi Phis a place to develop and practice their skills.

Our members know Pi Phi sisterhood lasts a lifetime. Whether serving as volunteers or staying connected through an alumnae club, our members remain dedicated to Pi Phi long after college.


Tell them about your experience as a sorority woman! The best thing Pi Phis can do to encourage Potential New Members to join is to share all the reasons you love Pi Beta Phi and demonstrate the impact Pi Phi has made in your life.

Alumnae have two options to recommend Potential New Members (PNMs) for membership in Pi Phi. The Recruitment Information Form (RIF) can be submitted online or the paper form can be printed and mailed to chapters. We recommend the use of the online RIF due to the convenience and speed at which it reaches the chapter. 

You must login to BetaBase to access the online RIF. If you have not yet claimed your BetaBase account, you can do so here.

Today’s Recruitment

Each year, the recruitment process evolves. With new generations of PNMs, we see varying levels of interest, different expectations of the member experience and new policies and guidelines. If you’re an alumna, regardless of how long ago you went through recruitment, it’s likely the process has changed.

Following the legislative vote outcomes of Convention 2021, the proposal to remove “special considerations” given to legacies in recruitment passed. This means legacies no longer receive a courtesy invitation to the first invitational round; Legacies are not placed at the top of the bid list if they attend Preference; The Legacy Introduction Form (LIF) is no longer administered or available on the website; and chapters no longer receive information about legacies ahead of the recruitment process via that form nor through the Recruitment Information Form (RIF). A PNM may share her legacy status with the chapter during recruitment and is not treated differently because of it.

Learn more about today's recruitment experience below.

Frequently Asked Questions


Headquarters can direct you to an alumnae club in your area who may be able to recommend you for membership, but we cannot guarantee they will be able to assist. To find the alumnae club in your area, you may conduct a Google search to find their contact information or email a copy of your resume to  recruitment@pibetaphi.org for assistance.

Please know that a recommendation is not required for membership in Pi Beta Phi.

Home is where your sisters are

From traditional chapter homes to university residence hall and common meeting spaces, Pi Phi facilities give members a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to build bonds that last forever. 

Learn More