Pi Beta Phi BRand Assets

Pi Beta Phi logos and graphic elements are available for download through the links below. For branding guidance and the use of Pi Phi assets, please refer to our Brand Guidelines.

If you need a file in a format not provided here, please email the Pi Beta Phi Marketing and Communications team.

Fraternity Marks

Pi Beta Phi logo  PNG |  JPG | PDF

Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women vertical logo  PNG | JPG | PDF
Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women horizontal logo PNG | JPG | PDF

Pi Beta Phi Friends and Leaders for Life vertical logo  PNG | JPG | PDF
Pi Beta Phi Friends and Leaders for Life horizontal logo PNG | JPG | PDF

Foundation and Fraternity Housing Corporation (FHC) Marks

Foundation vertical logo  PNG | JPG
Foundation horizontal logo  PNG | JPG

FHC vertical logo  PNG | JPG
FHC horizontal logo  PNG | JPG

Additional Graphic Elements

Pi Beta Phi crest  color PNG | color JPG |  B/W JPG
Graphic elements PNG

Programmatic Marks

Leading With Values® logo  PNG
Leading With Values® logo with tagline PNG | JPG
New Member Education Program logo PNG | JPG
Critical Conversations® logo  PNG | JPG
Pi Phi for Life logo PNG | JPG

Read > Lead > Achieve® logo PNG |  JPG
Champions are Readers® logo PNG |  JPG
Fraternity Day of Service logo PNG | JPG
Arrow in the Arctic logo PNG | JPG

Pi Beta Phi Leadership Institute logo PNG JPG

Pi Phi By the numbers

More than 150 years ago, 12 courageous young women at Monmouth College came together to form a new organization grounded in the values of Integrity, Lifelong Commitment, Honor & Respect, Personal & Intellectual Growth, Philanthropic Service to Others and Sincere Friendship. Learn more about Pi Beta Phi with some fast facts about our sisterhood.

Get the facts

The Arrow

First published in 1885, The Arrow® is Pi Beta Phi’s quarterly magazine featuring Fraternity news and stories about our members, chapters and clubs. Pi Phis can read the digital version of The Arrow online and submit their stories and photos.

Read The Arrow