Meet Eileen Ryan Bradshaw, Illinois Beta-Delta

Pi Beta Phi recognizes Eileen Ryan Bradshaw with the 2023 Carolyn Helman Lichtenberg Crest Award for her efforts in food insecurity and healthy aging.  

As the former Executive Director of Emergency Infant Services and the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, Eileen expanded services to address food insecurity, including establishing a mobile eatery and leading the response during the pandemic. Now serving as President and CEO of LIFE Senior Services, Eileen promotes healthy aging and supports over 80,000 seniors and their caregivers. Her innovative problem-solving, contagious compassion, and dedication to collaboration have made her a beloved and respected leader in her community. 

Eileen-Brandshaw-head-shot.jpgHow has your involvement with 
Pi Beta Phi influenced or shaped your approach to leadership?   

The verse, "If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things,” still influences me. It is important to focus on the positive attributes in others and in our lives even as we work to improve things.   

What advice would you give to other Pi Phis who aspire to make a positive impact in their professional fields?   
Work hard but give everyone––including yourself––grace. 

In what ways do you believe your experiences as a Pi Phi have uniquely prepared you for your professional role?   
Pi Phi allowed me to become friends with women whose backgrounds were very different from mine.

I learned to appreciate that and embrace differences throughout my career—that has been invaluable. 

What do you love most about your work?      
Everyone has a story and taking the time to hear them is fascinating. 

“Pi Beta Phi has taught me…”     
Women lift each other up. 

What is something you wish you would have known sooner in life?    
The joy is in the journey, not always the destination. Enjoy every day. 

Published August 1, 2024