Meet Melinda Meyer Blankenship, Texas Alpha

Pi Beta Phi recognizes Melinda Meyer Blankenship with the 2023 Carolyn Helman Lichtenberg Crest Award for her efforts in therapy dog programs.  

Over the past nine years, Melinda and her certified therapy dogs have brought comfort and joy to more than 8,000 hospital patients, students and airport passengers, leaving a lasting impact on those they encounter. Melinda's commitment extends beyond therapy visits, as she authored a book, "What Dogs Love," utilized for a local elementary school reading program. 

mb.pngIn what ways do you believe your experiences as a Pi Phi have uniquely prepared you for your community service?  
I don’t think I would be working with therapy dogs if I hadn’t been exposed to the importance of literacy through Pi Phi’s philanthropy.  

What advice would you give to other Pi Phis who aspire to make a positive impact in their communities?  
Determine what skills and talents you have and apply those to whatever you're passionate about.  

Who (or what) motivates and inspires you to continue your efforts in community service? 
The joy I see my dogs bring to people inspires me to continue my work with therapy dogs, and listening to the kids’ reading improve and see their confidence soar makes my heart so very happy! 

“Pi Beta Phi has taught me…”      
Working alongside my Pi Phi sisters has taught me that we have all been given different gifts that we should use to give back to others.   

What is something you wish you would have known sooner in life? 
I wish I had known how joyful one can be when using their God-given talents to serve others. 

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?     
Find your God-given purpose and do it with gusto!    


Published August 1, 2024