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Membership in Pi Beta Phi continues to be fun and foster friendship throughout your entire life. Alumnae clubs are a great way to make friends, build your network and stay connected to Pi Beta Phi. We hope you will consider joining an alumnae club in your area. Alumnae club names link to that club's profile where you can find further information about each club. The Pi Beta Phi regional map can be accessed here.

If you do not see a club in your area and are interested in creating one, please contact Headquarters at

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Pi Phi By the Numbers

More than 150 years ago, 12 courageous young women at Monmouth College came together to form a new organization grounded in the values of Integrity, Lifelong Commitment, Honor & Respect, Personal & Intellectual Growth, Philanthropic Service to Others and Sincere Friendship. Learn more about Pi Beta Phi with some fast facts about our sisterhood.

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