Grand Council

Grand Council, the governing body of the Fraternity, is made up of seven members who manage, supervise and develop the Fraternity by upholding the Pi Beta Phi Constitution & Statutes and executing Pi Beta Phi Policy and Position Statements. Grand Council members are elected biennially at convention for two-year terms.

A Grand Council officer may serve up to three terms in any one position and up to 10 years of total service. Every Grand Council officer must have served as a Director or Fraternity officer above the local level and must be knowledgeable about current Fraternity programs.

Click on the photo of each Grand Council member to learn more about them.

Lisa Gamel Scott

Colorado Alpha
Grand President

Melissa Malone Colvin

Virginia Theta
Grand Vice President Collegians

Ana Mancebo Miller

Texas Beta
Grand Vice President Alumnae

Emory McGinnis Eison

Mississippi Beta
Grand Vice President Finance/Housing

Amy Lorenzen Southerland

South Dakota Alpha
Grand Vice President Inclusion/Community Relations

Jenn Plagman-Galvin

Iowa Gamma
Grand Vice President Fraternity Growth

Greer Horne

Virginia Zeta
Grand Vice President Member Experience

Volunteer for Pi Phi

Engaged volunteers share their time to lead Pi Phi, regardless of age, location and ability. Their leadership gives members the opportunity to practice and grow their skills, while contributing to our collective success. Join this network and support members across our sisterhood.

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Pi Phi History

In 1867, 12 courageous young women at Monmouth College came together to form a sisterhood rooted in shared experiences, enduring values and Sincere Friendships. Today, more than 150 years and 350,000 members later, we continue to celebrate our founders' vision as sisters of Pi Beta Phi.

Learn more