PI BETA PHI Oral history project

The essence of Sincere Friendship lies in the moments that define us, and each Pi Phi story adds another thread to the rich tapestry of our sisterhood. To honor and preserve the history, traditions, and bonds shared by our more than 260,000 living members, Pi Beta Phi is thrilled to partner with Publishing Concepts (PCI) to collect the stories of Pi Beta Phi alumnae in their own words. These stories will be compiled into a special book that honors the lasting influence of Pi Phi and the role it has played in shaping who you are today. 

Through this initiative, we also hope to strengthen our alumnae network by making it easier for members to stay connected. In addition to collecting cherished memories, PCI will assist us in updating contact information for members who may have moved, changed email addresses, or taken on new professional roles. 

So, what’s your Pi Phi story? A lifelong friendship that started on Bid Day? A mentor who made a lasting difference in your life? A moment in Pi Phi that shaped your career or helped you navigate a challenge? Perhaps you were part of the sisterhood during a pivotal time in history. 

Whatever your story, we’d love to hear it!

Frequently Asked Questions

We have partnered with PCI (also known as Publishing Concepts) to produce an Oral History Publication for Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women. PCI is a family-owned business based in Dallas, Texas that has published directories for educational institutions, fraternities, sororities and military organizations across the nation for over 100 years. This project gives us the opportunity to learn about your experiences with Pi Phi and how the organization has shaped your life.

Yes, in a few different ways!
  • Updated Information – allows us to effectively communicate with and engage members 
  • Fraternity Heritage – sharing and collecting stories preserves the history of our organization 
  • Revenue – generates non-dues revenue for member programs 
  • Pi Phi Pride – wearing apparel shows support and love for our organization 

PCI is committed to protecting your information. The names, addresses and information provided to PCI for the publication of the Oral History Project will be held confidential by PCI, except to the extent they are utilized in—or in the preparation of—the Oral History Project and except as required by court order or law. 

You can call back at any time before September 5, 2025, to share your story. 

If you paid your dues through PCI when sharing your Pi Phi story, please allow 1-2 weeks for processing. If you still don’t see your dues payment after two weeks, contact Pi Beta Phi Headquarters.

  • If you have received a postcard or an email with a telephone number, you may call the number to speak with a dedicated representative for the Oral History Project. The representative will verify the information we have on file for you, make any necessary updates and then ask you to share your story about your time at Pi Phi. Your story will be recorded, and the sound clip will be provided to Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women at the conclusion of the project. 
  • If you have received an email with an embedded link, you may go to the online site to review your information and submit a story. 
  • If you live internationally or are unable to call the update line, please email PCI directly—they will send you a personalized link for you to share a written story and photo. 

If you would like to participate and are Deaf/Hard of Hearing, please email PCI directly—they will send you a personalized link for you to share a written story and photo. 

The only information included in the publication is your name, chapter, story and photo. No contact information is printed. When you call to update your contact information, it will only be used to update your member profile for Pi Beta Phi’s records. You may revoke consent for your story and/or photo to appear any time before September 5, 2025, by contacting PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 1-800-982-1590 or PCIservice@publishingconcepts.com

You will receive an email with a link to upload one photo (black and white or color) along with a caption. If you have purchased a book but do not have an email address on file, you will receive a photo mailer to submit a physical photo for printing. Your photo will be returned if you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Pi Beta Phi’s Oral History Publication is only available for sale to Pi Beta Phi members. 

To cancel an order, please reach out to PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 1-800-982-1590.

Pi Phi History

In 1867, 12 courageous young women at Monmouth College came together to form a sisterhood rooted in shared experiences, enduring values and Sincere Friendships. Today, more than 150 years and 350,000 members later, we continue to celebrate our founders' vision as sisters of Pi Beta Phi.

Learn more