Available Scholarship and fellowship Awards

Scholarship awards are dependent on the income available for the funds. Not all scholarships listed may be awarded each year.

Undergraduate Scholarships

Adele Collins Mason Scholarship

Gives first preference to a member from Southern California

Adrianna Bachan Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to a California Gamma

Alabama Beta Meg Ingram Memorial Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Alabama Beta

Alabama Gamma Scholarship

Restricted to an Alabama Gamma

Alison Hennig Moore Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to a Colorado Epsilon

Alison Parchman Schomburg Education Scholarship

Restricted to an education major

Amy Biehl Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to a California Alpha

Amy Louise Wheatley Memorial Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Wyoming Alpha

Andrea Armstrong Shultz Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Virginia Eta

Ann Gordon Trammell Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Texas Gamma

Annabelle Stambuli Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to any member

Annette Mitchell Mills Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Alabama Alpha

Arizona Alpha Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Arizona Alpha

Arizona Beta Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Arizona Beta

Arkansas Alpha Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Arkansas Alpha

Betty Blades Lofton Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Indiana Gamma

Bobbie Bliss Pittman Scholarship

Gives first preference to a California Mu

California Scholarship

Gives first preference to a resident of California

California Eta Angel Scholarship

Restricted to a California Eta

California Kappa Scholarship

Restricted to a California Kappa

Carol Inge Warren Scholarship

Gives first preference to a North Carolina Beta

Carolyn Pavletich Lesh Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Texas Delta

Catherine Hauser Woodson and Cheryl Woodson Scholarship

Restricted to an Alabama Beta or Tennessee Gamma

Charline Sage Kuntz Scholarship

Restricted to a New Mexico Alpha

Christine Pofi Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to a West Virginia Alpha

Clara Brownlee Hutchinson Scholarship

Awarded to any member

Collette Nancy Powers Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to a South Carolina Alpha

Colorado Alpha Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to a Colorado Alpha

Colorado Gamma Scholarship

Restricted to a Colorado Gamma

Cynthia Stafford Burley Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Ohio Delta

Dallas Alumnae Club/Ann Dudgeon Phy Scholarship

Gives first preference to a resident of Dallas, Texas

Delaware Alpha Scholarship

Restricted to a Delaware Alpha

Diane Althoff Education Scholarship

Restricted to an elementary education major

Dorothy Nelsen Hunter Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to any member

Emma Brownlee Kilgore Scholarship

Awarded to any member

Frances H. Hofacre Minnesota Alpha Scholarship

Restricted to a Minnesota Alpha

Frances Hall Comly Scholarship

Gives first preference to a member of any Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin chapter

Fred and Virginia Hannum Scholarship

Gives first preference to a member of any California chapter

Friendship Fund Scholarships

Awarded to any member

Harriet Rutherford Johnstone Scholarship

Awarded to any member

Heid Foundation in Memory of Joan Heid Scholarship

Restricted to a California Gamma

Illinois Alpha Scholarship

Restricted to an Illinois Alpha

Indiana Epsilon Scholarship

Restricted to an Indiana Epsilon

Isabel Mulholland Cramer Scholarship

Gives first preference to a California Delta, California Gamma, California Mu or California Nu

Jane Hill Trowbridge Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to a collegian entering their sophomore year

Jane Porter Warmack Scholarship

Gives first preference to a chapter officer

Jane Turner Campbell Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Missouri Alpha

Jenny Goodpasture Stiegler Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to an Oklahoma Beta

Jo Ann Minor Roderick Scholarship

Awarded to any member

Jo Marie Lilly Scholarship

Gives first preference to a resident of Texas

Jo Miller Lybrook Rudicel Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Indiana Beta

Jody Arnold Peterson Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to an Arizona Alpha

Johnanna Zournas Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Texas Gamma

Joy Vanasse Goodenough “Joyful” Scholarship

Restricted to a Washington Beta

Joyce Wherritt Bowers Scholarship

Restricted to a collegian entering their junior year with a minimum 3.6 GPA

Judy Boucher Chamberlain Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Illinois Theta art major

Juli Holmes Willeman Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Iowa Beta

Kansas Alpha Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Kansas Alpha

Kansas Alpha House Corporation Scholarship

Restricted to a Kansas Alpha

Katherine Willms Flippo Scholarship

Gives first preference to a California Beta

Kathy Watson Wilson Memorial Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Texas Epsilon

Laura Vanyo Scholarship

Restricted to a collegian pursuing a nursing degree

Lauren Rousseau Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to an elementary education major

Lou Ann Montgomery Carter Scholarship

Awarded to any member

Louisiana Alpha Triple M Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Louisiana Alpha or Louisiana Beta

Louisiana Beta Scholarship

Restricted to a Louisiana Beta

Margaret Paterson Becker Scholarship

Restricted to a Minnesota Alpha

Marianne McDermott Hart Scholarship

Restricted to a Pennsylvania Epsilon

Marilyn J. Boren-Sweeney Scholarship

Restricted to a California Gamma

MaryMargaret McDonough Scholarship

Awarded to any member

Massachusetts Gamma Scholarship

Restricted to a Massachusetts Gamma

Michigan Alpha Scholarship

Restricted to a Michigan Alpha

Miriam J. Ledyard Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to an Indiana Delta

Missouri Alpha Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Missouri Alpha

Montana Alpha Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Montana Alpha

Murdy Townsend Smith Memorial Scholarship

Gives first preference to a South Dakota Alpha

Nashville Alumnae Club Scholarship

Restricted to a member of any Tennessee chapter

Nebraska Beta Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Nebraska Beta

Nebraska Gamma Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Nebraska Gamma

New York Delta Scholarship

Restricted to a New York Delta

New York Zeta Scholarship

Gives first preference to a member of any New York chapter

Ohio Alpha Scholarship

Restricted to an Ohio Alpha

Ohio Beta Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Ohio Beta

Oklahoma Alpha Scholarship

Restricted to an Oklahoma Alpha

Oklahoma Beta Scholarship

Restricted to an Oklahoma Beta

Oklahoma Beta 1962 Balfour Cup Memorial Scholarship

Restricted to an Oklahoma Beta

Oregon Gamma Scholarship

Restricted to a member who identifies as Black, Indigenous or a Person of Color (BIPOC)

Orpha O’Rourke Coenen Scholarship

Gives first preference to an Indiana Delta

Patty Hill Davidson Scholarship

Restricted to an Indiana Gamma

Peg George Houston Scholarship

Restricted to a Colorado Alpha or Colorado Epsilon

Pennsylvania Gamma Scholarship

Restricted to a Pennsylvania Gamma

Phoenix Alumnae Club Scholarship

Gives first preference to a member of any Arizona chapter

Rick and Roberta Boyd Bragan Scholarship

Restricted to a first-generation college student

Ruth Barrett Smith Scholarship

Awarded to any member

Ruth Trinkle Read Scholarship

Awarded to any member

Sarah Ruth Mullis Scholarship

Gives first preference to a collegian enrolled in a pharmacy curriculum

Sign of the Arrow Melissa Scholarship

Restricted to a collegian entering their senior year with exemplary community service and minimum 3.1 GPA

Susan Crane Kyle Indiana Beta Scholarship

Gives first preference to the Director Housing or VP Member Experience of Indiana Beta

Suzanne Rosien Dostal Education Scholarship

Restricted to an Iowa Gamma

Tennessee Gamma Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Tennessee Gamma

Texas Delta Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Texas Delta

Washington Alpha Scholarship

Restricted to a Washington Alpha

Undergraduate Scholarship Fund Awards

Awarded to any member


Beth Van Maanen Beatty Memorial Graduate Fellowship

Awarded to any member

Carolyn Helman Lichtenberg Graduate Fellowship

First preference to a member pursuing a master’s of education

Corinne Hammond Gray Graduate Fellowship

Awarded to any member

Elsie Lantz St. Cyr Graduate Fellowship

Gives first preference to a member residing in or from the St. Louis, Missouri metropolitan area

Joanie Arnold Graduate Fellowship

Awarded to a past consultant who has graduated within the last four academic years

Karen Consalus Price Graduate Fellowship

Gives first preference to a Missouri Alpha

Libbie Brook Gaddis Graduate Fellowship

Awarded to a current employee of Pi Beta Phi Headquarters

Marilyn Wiegand Pecsok Graduate Fellowship

Awarded to any member

Myra Matthews Buis Graduate Fellowship

Restricted to an alumna member of any Region Six chapter

Past Grand Presidents Memorial Graduate Fellowship

Awarded to any member

Graduate Fellowship Fund Awards

Awarded to any member


Adele Collins Mason Alumnae Continuing Education Scholarship

Gives first preference to a member from Southern California

Barbara Anderson Blake Alumnae Continuing Education Scholarship

Gives first preference to a California Delta

Hannah Mervine Miles Alumnae Continuing Education Scholarship

Gives first preference to a Pennsylvania Beta

Marguerite OBrien Alumnae Continuing Education Scholarship

Restricted to a member seeking continuing education in the fields of literacy, reading or writing education or enrichment

Alumnae Continuing Education Fund Awards

Awarded to any member

Pi Beta phi Foundation SCHOLARSHIPS

Pi Beta Phi Foundation provides more than $200,000 in undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships and alumnae continuing education (ACE) scholarships to Pi Phi collegians and alumnae every year. Each award is made possible through the generosity of donors to our Foundation.

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