2023 Collegiate Excellence Award Winners

Every year, Pi Beta Phi recognizes clubs, chapters and individual members for their excellence in various aspects of Pi Phi life. Collegiate Excellence Awards honor chapters which display exceptional success in areas of chapter leadership and serve as inspiration for all members. Congratulations to our 2023 Collegiate Excellence Award Winners! 

Collegiate Excellence in Finance/Housing

Missouri Gamma   

In 2023, Missouri Gamma’s finance/housing team developed a comprehensive financial learning program to help inform members on financial obligations. Through individualized support and well-executed budgeting processes, the Missouri Gamma Chapter fostered transparency and open communication. Additionally, Missouri Gamma improved the chapter suite through regular maintenance and member involvement, creating a welcoming and functional space.

Collegiate Excellence in Community Relations

Wisconsin Epsilon 

In 2023, Wisconsin Epsilon’s community relations team was instrumental in building and nurturing traditions that solidified connections with both the campus and broader community. From successful philanthropic initiatives to partnering with the community for local volunteer projects and campus events, the chapter demonstrated its commitment to service and engagement. Through intentional efforts, Wisconsin Epsilon strengthened its presence on campus and received heartfelt gratitude from the community.  

Collegiate Excellence in Member Experience  

California Kappa 

The California Kappa Chapter led exceptional efforts in ensuring every member feels welcomed and appreciated. Through diverse sisterhood events, such as hot yoga and bouquet making, the chapter not only fostered bonding experiences but intentionally planned a variety of events for every member to find enjoyment. Additionally, California Kappa created an Arrowboard Committee for members to provide feedback as well as led six Leading with Values seminars to create a supportive environment.  

Collegiate Excellence in Risk Management

Kansas Alpha   

The Kansas Alpha Chapter took a proactive and comprehensive approach to member safety throughout 2023. The chapter hosted numerous educational events, including a Critical Conversations presentation on safe alcohol use, sessions with the University's Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Center and training for drug overdose prevention. Additionally, the Member Conduct Committee increased member check-ins to support well-being and uphold chapter standards, demonstrating their commitment to fostering a safe and supportive environment. 

Collegiate Excellence in Recruitment  

Delaware Alpha 

Delaware Alpha’s recruitment success in 2023 can be attributed to its commitment to authenticity, inclusivity and transparency. By combining expertise between the recruitment team and the inclusion team, the chapter prepared inclusivity workshops prior to recruitment to ensure all members were equipped to create a welcoming environment for Potential New Members. Additionally, Delaware Alpha prioritized connection and communication throughout the entire recruitment process. 

Collegiate Excellence in Operations 

New York Epsilon 

Throughout the academic year, New York Epsilon implemented a range of new policies and measures that fostered a well-organized and efficient system for operations. One notable advancement was the establishment of a chapter Google Drive, which served as a centralized repository for all essential documents and allowed for seamless communication between chapter leaders and members. The operations team also introduced a system called Missed Chapter Quizzes, which ensured members who missed a chapter meeting were able to stay engaged and informed.  

Collegiate Excellence in Inclusion

Arizona Alpha 

The Arizona Alpha Chapter implemented a range of DEI initiatives, including impactful guest speaker events, comprehensive workshops on implicit bias and inclusive language, and empathetic approaches during recruitment. The inclusion team also utilized social media to educate members on diverse holidays and encouraged participation in inclusion-related activities and events. As a culmination of their success, Arizona Alpha received the Chapter Excellence in Diversity Awareness and Programming award during the university’s annual Order of Omega Award ceremony. 

Collegiate Excellence in Alumnae Advisory Committee (AAC)

Alabama Alpha 

Alabama Alpha’s AAC displayed unwavering support during a difficult year. Faced with the closure of Birmingham Southern College, Alabama Alpha’s AAC stood by the collegiate members, offering stability and strength while navigating the uncertainty. They supported members in making critical decisions all while maintaining positivity and instilling core values of Lifelong Commitment and Sincere Friendship. 

Published June 17, 2024