Jumping In

For many sisters, serving as a chapter Advisor provides a chance to reconnect with Pi Phi; it’s a heartfelt return to the roots of their Pi Phi journey. While some volunteers return to Pi Phi after years away, others jump right in after graduation—armed with fresh perspective from their collegiate experience. For these sisters, stepping into the role of chapter Advisor is a tangible way to live the core value of Lifelong Commitment. 

Below, Ohio Epsilon Alumnae Advisory Committee (AAC) Chair AUTUMN FREUDENBERG, Montana Alpha, shares what inspired her to stay involved after graduation, what she's learned through her volunteer service and why other young alumnae should consider a similar path.  

Autumn.pngWhat inspired you to volunteer for Pi Phi so soon after graduating?

After college, I was preparing for a big move to a new city to begin my career. I felt sad to leave my chapter, my college, my friends and the organization that shaped me into who I am today. I had this misconception that I was too young to be on AAC, but I always knew one day I would serve the Fraternity again.  

I was eager to connect with more sisters and began researching local alumnae clubs and universities in the area. I reached out to a few of my Pi Phi mentors and asked them about their experience serving Pi Phi after college; my commitment to the Fraternity deepened after every conversation. I remembered how much Pi Phi could positively impact lives, and I wanted to help more young women find their interests through leadership and community service.  

Describe your responsibilities in your current role. How do you balance your Pi Phi volunteer service with other personal commitments?  

In my current role, I'm mentoring and guiding undergraduate members—providing support as they navigate their collegiate journey, offering insights, facilitating discussions and being a reliable resource for questions and concerns. Teaming up with fellow chapter Advisors, I play a role in decision-making, bringing my perspective to help align the chapter with the values and goals of Pi Phi.  

Balancing my Pi Phi volunteer service with other personal commitments has been a priority for me. I've found that effective time management and clear communication are essential. By setting realistic expectations and priorities, I can fulfill my responsibilities both within Pi Phi and in other aspects of my life. Flexibility and adaptability are key, allowing me to navigate the dynamic nature of volunteer work alongside personal and professional commitments. In the end, it's about discovering the right mix where I can contribute meaningfully to Pi Phi while still meeting my other obligations, like my career. I would be lying if I said it was easy; it takes time to figure it out.  

How has your volunteer experience impacted you—and what impact do you hope to make through your work?  

On a personal level, my volunteer experience has provided me with a profound sense of fulfillment and connection. Being part of a community that shares the same values and aspirations has enriched my life and created lasting friendships. Professionally, the experience has amplified my leadership skills, decision-making abilities and the art of collaboration—all skills that have proven to be beneficial in my career. Moreover, this volunteer work has broadened my perspective and improved my communication skills through interactions with diverse groups of people.  

In terms of the impact I hope to make, it's twofold. I aim to inspire and empower young women within Pi Phi—guiding them toward their full potential through mentorship and support—and I hope to contribute to the broader community by promoting the mission of Pi Phi. Ultimately, my goal is to leave a meaningful and lasting mark on both individual members and our sisterhood as a whole.  


What would you share with young alumnae who are considering serving as a chapter Advisor?   

Reflect on what fueled your passion for Pi Phi during your collegiate years. Volunteering isn't just about giving back; it's a continuous journey of personal and professional growth. Consider the aspects of Pi Phi that truly resonated with you—the friendships, the values, the sense of community—and recognize that, as a volunteer, you get to amplify those elements for others. It's a chance to share your experiences, guide younger members and be part of something that extends beyond your college days. Your unique perspective and energy can make a real difference. 


Volunteer with Pi Phi.

Autumn is one of more than 1,000 Advisors currently supporting our collegiate chapters. If you’re interested in working with our chapters, you can scan the QR code below to join our volunteer network. Serving as a chapter Advisor requires no prior experience or waiting period; any member can volunteer following graduation.  

With numerous opportunities to get involved, your Pi Phi volunteer experience can be anything you want it to be—whether mentoring collegians, leading alumnae clubs or sharing your professional expertise. No matter your background, interests or skill set, Pi Phi benefits from your involvement and can help you grow as a leader.  
Visit the Pi Beta Phi website to join our volunteer network.


Photo: Autumn (back row, center, with hand raised) and her Montana Alpha sisters.
This story was originally published in the Spring 2024 issue of The Arrow.
Published September 3, 2024.