Building Confident Leaders in St. Louis

On January 24-26, more than 800 Pi Phis gathered in St. Louis for College Weekend 2025—a three-day leadership development experience! Newly installed collegiate officers and Alumnae Advisory Committee members engaged in tailored programming to equip them with necessary tools and skills to thrive in their new roles. With opportunities to learn about chapter inclusivity, leading challenging conversations, successful financial practices and more, there was something for every attendee to walk away with. Read all about the weekend filled with Pi Phi Pride below, then watch the highlights below!



CO-Mines.jpgAttendees traveled to St. Louis ready to learn and meet Pi Phis from across North America! As members arrived throughout the morning, Pi Beta Phi Foundation’s Wine Carnation Garden was already sharing Pi Phi Love. During the afternoon, groups of attendees made the journey to Pi Beta Phi Headquarters to tour the building and learn about the historical pieces on display. Pi Phi Archivist Fran DeSimone Becque, New York Alpha, gave a wonderful presentation about the Pi Phi Archives and all the artifacts that have been collected over the years. 

The evening began when attendees gathered for the opening dinner and had the opportunity to engage with members from their regions. During dinner, Tina VanSteenbergen—a speaker and facilitator with a focus on women empowerment— gave an inspiring keynote speech all about building and maintaining confidence. To end the night strong, members headed to their first role-specific Colleges of the weekend!  


Saturday was packed with Pi Phi Pride, friendship and professional development! Attendees spent the majority of the day in their programming tracks, learning the best practices and tools for how to confidently lead their chapters to success.

There were additional opportunities to build new connections in Affinity Group meet ups, such as the LGBTQIA+ and Members of Color Affinity Groups and the Pi Phi Pages Book club.

To end the night, all attendees participated in a College Weekend Pink Party! With all things pink, a silent disco and a Cookie Shine, this night was all about having fun, celebrating what makes Pi Phi unique and spending time with sisters.




On the last day of College Weekend, attendees had the opportunity to choose and participate in a workshop session which interested them most. Attendees learned how to prioritize mental health, navigate challenging conversations, build a strong chapter brand, create a sense of belonging in the chapter facility and more! This provided members with additional worthwhile tools and skills to use beyond their specific leadership roles. 

475207946_18257616619278312_461684283578698273_n.jpgTo officially conclude College Weekend, members gathered for closing remarks from Grand Vice President Member Experience Greer Horne and Grand President Lisa Gamel Scott to reminisce on the connections made, reflect on the lessons learned and celebrate all that is to come as they embark on their leadership journeys.

It was also announced that the Wine Carnation Garden raised $16,411.40 for the Friendship Fund with gifts to Pi Beta Phi Foundation throughout the weekend!

Thank you to all those who attended College Weekend 2025 and to those who made this event possible—your willingness to say “yes” to Pi Phi made this experience unforgettable. We can’t wait to see all that you accomplish in your roles and how you will continue to learn, grow and lead in the future. Learn more about College Weekend here.

Published January 31, 2025