The Badge
Pi Beta Phi's golden arrow is considered "the outward and visible sign of the inward and spiritual grace that has placed its approval upon nothing short of the true, honest, just, pure, lovely."
The Badge
Cookie Shines
In 1873, members of the Kansas Alpha Chapter held a great feast, dubbed a “Cookie Shine” by the University Chancellor. By 1885, it had become a Pi Beta Phi tradition.
Cookie Shines
Our Foundation
Established in 1990, Pi Beta Phi Foundation enables the Fraternity to realize its mission and ensures the future of our sisterhood through the generosity of donors.
Our Foundation
Holt House
In 1867, a group of young women attending Monmouth College met in a room rented from “Major” Jacob Holt. They founded I.C. Sorosis, now Pi Beta Phi.
Holt House
Notable Pi Phis
These women, through their words and deeds, are admired as particularly outstanding Pi Phis. We are grateful for their exceptional leadership and generous service.
Notable Pi Phis
Pi Phi Firsts
As a premier organization for women, Pi Phi has been the first women's fraternity to establish a number of original frameworks and governing institutions throughout our history.
Pi Phi Firsts